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Kids are picky eaters! It becomes so difficult to get them to eat healthy food. Understanding this basic concern, Blue Band brings essential fats (Omega 3 & 6) and Vitamin A and D packed in a delicious flavor that kids do love!

Why Blue Band?
Blue Band is a trans-fat-free breakfast spread that is packed with Vitamins A and D, Omega 3 and 6, and that enhance the development of your growing child.
This low cholesterol spread helps your kids kick-start their day the right way.


Vitamin A helps the body with building natural defense against illness and infections
Vitamin D helps to maintain the proper bone structure

Essential Good fats

Blue Band has Omega 3 & 6 which are very important for your child's brain and body. Both fatty acids are needed for growth and repair out can also be used to make other fatty adds

Lower Cholesterol

Blue Band is transfat free and therefore, doesn't have any harm of cholesterol intake of your kids


Yummy and Tasty

Healthy and taste goes hand in hand with the recipes are cooked with Blue Band

Trans-fat Free

Blueband is free from trans-fat. Therefore, reduces the risk of heart diseases.

Blue Band